An Average Blog

About me

I'm nobody special. (My mother may disagree.)

I am a software engineer of nine years, with proficiency in:

I can do C and C++, but I don't trust myself to write an operating system yet.

I have written code in Java. I think Java is brilliant, but I like Swift better. TypeScript is even preferrable to Java. (I may be biased, but JetBrains IDEs feel like bloated messes compared to VSCode, and I haven't recovered enough yet to work out how to get VSCode to do Java right.)

I love using parentheses in writing. (I don't know why.)

I'm currently employed at Inventory Shield, working on both their main app and their sister project, Referral Reactor.

I'm a huge fan of open-source software. Feel free to check out my Git forge, poke around, fork and play around with what you find there!